Quick Start =========== The following outlines installation of Boss, as well as quick starting a few applications from the official repository. Development Environment ----------------------- It is recommended to work out of a `VirtualENV `_ for development of your application. That said, you likely don't want to install boss every time you start a new project, therefore in this case you should consider installing boss to your global system outside of your virtualenv. In most cases you will be creating your project with Boss before creating a virtualenv anyhow. Installation ------------ Stable versions of Boss are available via PyPi: .. code-block:: text $ pip install boss To install development versions of Boss you will need to checkout the 'master' branch from GitHub. .. code-block:: text $ pip install -e git+git://github.com/datafolklabs/boss.git#egg=boss Working with Sources -------------------- Boss supports multiple local and remote (git) template repositories. You can see these repositories via the following command: .. code-block:: text $ boss sources -- Label: boss Source Path: git@github.com:datafolklabs/boss-templates.git Cache: /Users/derks/.boss/cache/tmpJDGhlX Local Only: False Last Sync Time: never You will notice in the above example that the 'boss' repository has never been synced (which will be the case on a new install). To sync templates with remote sources, execute the following: .. code-block:: text $ boss sync Syncing Boss Templates . . . remote: Counting objects: 137, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (73/73), done. remote: Total 102 (delta 45), reused 83 (delta 26) Receiving objects: 100% (102/102), 63.38 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (45/45), completed with 18 local objects. From github.com:datafolklabs/boss-templates 8626879..8bc867a master -> origin/master You can add your own sources like so: .. code-block:: text $ boss add-source my-remote git@github.com:john.doe/boss-templates.git $ boss add-source local /path/to/my/templates --local The first example is a remote git repository that holds Boss templates. The second example is a local repository only, and will not attempt to sync with a remote upstream repo. At this time, Boss only support remote Git repositories. Working with Templates ---------------------- Once your sources are in place, you can see what templates are available to work with: .. code-block:: text $ boss templates Local Templates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ python my-custom-template Boss Templates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cement-script e2e license python To create a new project, or part of a project, from a template do the following: .. code-block:: text $ boss create ./helloworld -t local:python Version: [0.9.1] Python Module Name: helloworld Python Class Prefix: HelloWorld Project Name: Hello World Project Description: Hello World does Amazing Things Project Creator: [BJ Dierkes] Project Creator Email: [derks@bjdierkes.com] License: [BSD-three-clause] Project URL: http://helloworld.example.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Writing: /Volumes/Users/derks/helloworld/README Writing: /Volumes/Users/derks/helloworld/requirements.txt Writing: /Volumes/Users/derks/helloworld/setup.cfg Writing: /Volumes/Users/derks/helloworld/setup.py Writing: /Volumes/Users/derks/helloworld/helloworld/__init__.py Writing: /Volumes/Users/derks/helloworld/tests/test_helloworld.py Writing: /Volumes/Users/derks/helloworld/.gitignore Writing: /Volumes/Users/derks/helloworld/LICENSE You'll notice a few things in this example: Some questions were pre-populated by default answers. These can be set under an '[answers]' config section in '~/.boss/config'. For example: .. code-block:: text [answers] creator = BJ Dierkes email = derks@bjdierkes.com version = 0.9.1 license = BSD-three-clause Also, as this is a python project template, the latest 'Python.gitignore' file was pulled down from http://github.com/github/gitignore and copied to .gitignore. And it works: .. code-block:: text $ python >>> import helloworld With tests: .. code-block:: text $ nosetests test_helloworld (test_helloworld.HelloWorldTestCase) ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.006s OK